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    Islamic University in Uganda, Kumi Road, P.O.BOX 2555 Mbale
Year 1
Year 2
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 ECM 2106 Specific Methods Of Teaching History I 2 2
2 AED 2101 Grammar And Morphology Iii 3 3
3 AED 2102 Literature And Texts Ii 2 2
4 AED 2103 Arabic Language Excercises Iii 3 3
5 AED 2104 Prosody 3 3
6 BEL 2101 Introduction To Language And Linguistics 3 3
7 BEL 2102 Introduction To Phonetics And Phonology 3 3
8 BEL 2103 Introduction To Language And Society 3 3
9 CSC 2112 Database Design And Management 4 4
10 CST 2102 Design Of Education Information Systems 3 3
11 ECM 2104 Specific Methods In Economics I 2 2
12 ECM 2105 Specific Methods In Geography I 2 2
13 ECM 2107 Specific Methods Of Teaching Islamic Studies I 2 3
14 ECM 2111 Specific Methods In Political Education I 2 2
15 ECM 2112 Introduction To Theories Of Listening And Speaking 3 3
16 ECM 2113 Specific Methods Of Teaching Literature I 2 2
17 ECM 2114 Specific Methods In Kiswahili I 2 2
18 ECM 2116 Teaching Lang. Skills(listeninig And Speaking) 2 2
19 ECM 2117 Principles And Methodology In Eng. Lang. Teaching 2 2
20 ECM 2119 Specific Methods In Computer Studies 2 2
21 ECS 2101 Instructional Technology 3 3
22 ELS 2103 Language Use In Dawah 3 3
23 ELS 2104 Language Acquisition 3 3
24 ELS 2106 Language Use In Dawah 3 3
25 EMA 2101 Educational Management And Administration I 3 3
26 EPX 2101 Research Methods In Education 4 4
27 GEO 2105 Applied Geomorphology 3 3
28 HIS 2104 History Of South Africa In The 19th Century 4 3
29 KIS 2102 Kiswahili Novels And Plays (muslim Authors) 3 3
30 KIS 2105 Kiswahili Novels And Plays 3 3
31 LIT 2104 Theory And Criticism Of Literature 3 3
32 LIT 2105 Islam And African Literature 3 3
33 LIT 2106 African Literature 3 3
34 LIT 2107 Muslim Literature In Africa 3 3
35 CSC 2111 Design Of Educational Information Systems 4 4
36 ELS 2105 Descriptive Grammar Of The English Language -syntax I 3 3
37 EPY 2102 Research Methods In Education 3 4
38 ECT 2101 Methods Of Teaching Arabic Language 2 3
39 ECT 2105 Methods Of Teaching Geography 2 3
40 ECT 2114 Methods Of Teaching Kiswahili Language 2 3
41 ECT 2116 Methods Of Teaching Business Studies 2 3
42 ECT 2107 Methods Of Teaching Islamic Studies 2 3
43 ECT 2111 Methods Of Teaching Literature 2 3
44 ECT 2106 Methods Of Teaching History 2 3
45 ECT 2108 Methods Of Teaching Mathematics 2 3
46 ECT 2113 Methods Of Teaching Computer Studies 2 3
47 CSC 2113 Education Information Systems 4 4
48 ECT 2104 Methods Of Teaching Economics 2 3
49 ECI 2101 Instructional Technology 3 3
50 ECT 2117 Methods Of Teaching Entrepreneurship 2 3
51 CSC 2114 Computer Studies Iii 4 4
52 BHS 2104 History Of Modern Europe 1789-1970 3 3
53 EPY 2101 Research Methods In Education 4 4
54 PHY 2110 Environmental Physics 3 45
55 STB 2101 Physical Fitness And Methods Of Training In P.e. And Sports 3 3
56 STB 2102 Game Skills And Strategies Of Play 3 3
57 STB 2103 Sports Officiating 4 4
58 ELL 2105 Theories And Practice Of Editing And Publishing 3 3
59 ELL 2106 Structure Of The English Complex Sentence 3 3
60 LTT 2105 Elements And Scope Of Poetry 3 3
61 GEO 2110 Specific Methods In Geography 3 3
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AED 2201 Grammar And Morphology Iv 3 3
2 AED 2202 Arabic Language Excercises Iv 3 3
3 CSC 2110 Introduction To Programming 4 4
4 CSC 2213 Network And Communication Technologies 4 4
5 CSC 2214 Educational Information System Project Management 4 4
6 CST 2201 Introduction To Programming 3 3
7 ECM 2216 Teaching Lang. Skills (reading And Writing) 2 2
8 ECS 2203 School Practice I 4 4
9 ELS 2202 Applied Linguistics 3 3
10 ELS 2203 Pragmatics 3 3
11 ELS 2204 Descriptive Grammar Of The English Language - Syntax Ii 3 3
12 ELS 2205 Introduction To Foreign And Second Language Acquisition 3 3
13 EMA 2201 Educational Management And Administration Ii 3 3
14 EPX 2201 Guidance And Counselling 3 3
15 EPX 2202 Measurement And Evaluation 3 3
16 GEO 2206 Rural Settlement And Rural Development 3 3
17 HIS 2203 History Of World Revolutions And Liberation Movements 1750-1945 3 3
18 HIS 2204 History Of North Africa Since 1800 3 3
19 KIS 2204 Kiswahili For Specific Purposes 3 3
20 KIS 2205 Intermediate Skills 3 3
21 KIS 2206 Intermediate Kiswahili Interactive Skills 3 3
22 KIS 2207 Kiswahili Communication Skills 3 3
23 AED 2203 Rhetoric Ii 3 3
24 ECS 2201 Microteaching And Prodn Of Instructional Materials 4 4
25 KIS 2210 Research Methods In Lingustics And Literature 3 3
26 EPY 2201 Guidance And Counselling 2 3
27 EPY 2202 Educational Measurement And Evaluation 2 3
28 ECI 2202 Theory And Practice Of Science Education 4 4
29 ECI 2201 Microteaching And Production Of Instructional Materials 4 3
30 ECI 2203 School Practice I 4 4
31 STB 2201 Sports Law 3 3
32 STB 2202 Administration Of P.e. And Sport 3 3
33 STB 2203 Athletics 3 3
34 LTT 2205 Literature And Cinema 3 3
35 LTT 2206 Selected Author 3 3
36 LTT 2207 Translated Texts 3 3
Year 3
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AED 3101 Grammar And Morphology V 3 3
2 AED 3102 Arabic Language Excercises V 3 3
3 AED 3103 Literature And Texts Iii 3 3
4 CSC 3106 Educational Information System Implementation 4 4
5 CSC 3107 It Strategy And Management 4 4
6 ECM 3101 Specific Methods Of Teaching Arabic Language Ii 3 3
7 ECM 3104 Specific Methods In Economics Ii 2 2
8 ECM 3105 Specific Methods In Geography Ii 2 2
9 ECM 3106 Specific Methods Of Teaching History Ii 2 2
10 ECM 3107 Specific Methods Of Teaching Islamic Studies Ii 2 3
11 ECM 3111 Specific Methods In Political Education Ii 2 2
12 ECM 3112 Specific Methods In Teaching Literature Ii 2 2
13 ECM 3113 Methods In Teaching Computer Studies 2 2
14 ECM 3114 Specific Methods In Kiswahili Ii 2 2
15 ECM 3115 Elt-teaching Vocubulary And Grammar 2 2
16 ECS 3101 Curriculum Studies 3 3
17 ELS 3101 Translation Studies 3 3
18 ELS 3102 Stylistics 3 3
19 ELS 3103 Language In The Muslim Ummah 3 3
20 ELS 3104 Elements Of Pragmatics 3 3
21 ELS 3105 Language In The Muslim Ummah 3 3
22 HIS 3105 History Of Comparative Politics 3 3
23 HIS 3107 History Of Political Ideas 3 3
24 IED 3101 Islam In West Africa 3 3
25 KIS 3101 Kiswahili Syntax, Semantics And Pragmatics 3 3
26 KIS 3102 Kiswahili Style And Stylistics 3 3
27 KIS 3104 Discourse Analysis 3 3
28 LIT 3104 Muslim Literature 3 3
29 POL 3105 Politics Of Globalization 3 3
30 SED 3101 Fiqh Iii (islamic Family Law) 3 3
31 ECI 3101 Curriculum Studies 3 4
32 ECT 3107 Islamic Studies Education 2 3
33 ECT 3101 Arabic Language Education 2 3
34 ECT 3104 Economics Education 2 3
35 ECT 3105 Geography Education 2 3
36 ECT 3106 History Education 2 3
37 ECT 3111 Literature Education 2 3
38 ECT 3114 Kiswahili Language Education 2 3
39 ECT 3113 Computer Studies Education 2 3
40 BIT 2207 It Project Planning And Management 4 4
41 BIT 3103 Ict Administration 3 3
42 BHS 3106 History Of World Revolutions 3 3
43 ECT 3117 Entrepreneurship Education 2 3
44 ECM 3117 Specific Methods In Teaching Computer Studies Ii 2 2
45 STB 3101 Sports Marketing And Entrepreneurship 3 3
46 STB 3102 Socio-political And Economic Influences Of Physical Education, Sport And Olympism 3 3
47 STB 3103 Games Of Low Organisation 3 3
48 LTT 3105 Elements And Scope Of Drama 3 3
49 LTT 3104 Elements And Scope Of Novel 3 3
50 ELL 3104 Analysis Of English Style And Stylistics 3 3
51 GEO 3110 Geographical Information Systems And Remote Sensing 3 3
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AED 3201 Rhetoric Ii 3 3
2 AED 3202 Phonetics 3 3
3 AED 3203 QurÁn And Its Language Ii 3 3
4 AED 3204 Grammar And Morphology Vi 3 3
5 CSC 3204 Ict In Education 4 4
6 CSC 3205 Advanced Programming 4 4
7 CSC 3206 Multimedia Programming 4 4
8 ECM 3216 English Methods In Testing And Evaluation 2 2
9 ECO 3206 Economic Development, Policy And Planning 3 3
10 ECS 3201 Microteaching Ii 4 4
11 ECS 3202 School Practice Ii 4 4
12 EFD 3201 History And Philosophy Of Muslim Education 3 3
13 ELS 3201 Psycholinguistics 3 3
14 ELS 3202 Semantics 3 3
15 ELS 3203 Comparative Linguistics 3 3
16 ELS 3204 Linguistic Situation In The Muslim World 3 3
17 ELS 3205 Psycholinguistics And Language Learning 3 3
18 EPX 3201 Research Project 4 4
19 HIS 3211 History Of Imperialism, Colonialism And Neo-colonialism 3 3
20 KIS 3202 Sociolinguistics 3 3
21 KIS 3206 Kiswahili Short Stories 3 3
22 LIT 3203 Poetry In English 3 3
23 GEO 3207 Geography Of Development 3 3
24 CSC 2115 Computer Networks 4 4
25 ECI 3201 Microteaching 2 3
26 ECI 3202 School Practice Ii 4 4
27 CSC 3207 User Interface Design 3 3
28 CSC 3209 It Project 4 60
29 CSC 3208 Multimedia Instructional Design 4 60
30 EPY 3201 Research Project 4 4
31 LIT 3204 Epic, Drama And Theatre 3 3
32 ELL 3204 Methods And Techniques Of Teaching: Testing And Evaluation 3 3
33 STB 3201 Sports Medicine, Injuries And Nutrition 3 3
34 STB 3202 Sports Coaching 3 3
35 STB 3203 Physiological Basis For Training 3 3
36 STB 3204 Racket Games 3 3
37 LTT 3205 Children's Literature 3 3
Duration: 3 Year(s)
Category: Undergraduate
Faculty: Education