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The Office of the University Secretary at the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) was established under the University in Uganda Act and plays a pivotal role in the university's administrative framework. The University Secretary reports to the Rector through the Vice Rector of Finance and Administration.

Structured into three units—the Human Resource Unit, the Records Unit, and the Administration Unit—the Office of the University Secretary ensures efficient handling of its diverse responsibilities. It organizes meetings involving the university's executives and other key gatherings, and maintains comprehensive records on all matters concerning the university, ensuring proper documentation and archival. This supports the overall governance and operational integrity of IUIU.

Additionally, the office serves as the central hub for all human resource activities, overseeing the recruitment, development, and welfare of the university's staff. It also manages legal disputes involving the university, handling litigation for and against the institution.

I appeal to all staff to adhere to their respective responsibilities as outlined in the various regulations, particularly the IUIU Staff Regulations 2023, which detail the code of conduct for staff while working with others at IUIU. As an institution...

Mr. Sewankambo Hamza

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