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Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science (FOS) is one of the eight faculties at the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU). The faculty was established in 1994/95 academic year to offer Diploma and Degree programmes in Natural and Applied Sciences. The faculty started with only 2-degree programmes; BSc Education and BSc Hons. Currently the Faculty has six departments with nineteen academic programs at certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The departments include; Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Computer Science, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Physics, Department of Biological Sciences, and the Department of Environmental Science. 

Core Values

In line with the core values of the university, Faculty of Science aims at; 

  • Producing highly proficient, practical scientist in Natural and Applied Sciences.
  • Engaging in relevant research and innovation activities.
  • Participating in impactful community outreach activities.


Welcome to the Faculty of Science at the Islamic University in Uganda! It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest greetings to all students, faculty members, researchers, and partners. Our fac...

Dr. Yahya Umar

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Mission Statement

The faculty desires to function as a component of the University to attain its vision; mission and core values by creating a value-driven scientific impact on the society within the broad Islamic values and principles. This can be achieved by using innovative scientific methods of teaching and research in a manner that is acceptable and relevant to the academic global environment and in adherence to the core values of Islam.


In line with the University vision, the Faculty of Science aims at producing and disseminating scientific knowledge, relevant skills and training necessary to produce all round science professionals who shall be of great value to the current and future society needs.