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The Department of the Bursar at the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) is entrusted with the vital responsibility of managing the university's financial and material resources. The Bursar, appointed by the university's Appointments Committee, plays a crucial role in ensuring the financial integrity and operational efficiency of the institution.

Key Functions:

The Bursar is responsible for the safekeeping of all university property, stores, financial documents, and accounts. This includes maintaining a secure and organized system for managing these assets.

The Bursar oversees all financial transactions, including the receipt of payments made to the university and the disbursement of funds owed by the university. These transactions are conducted with strict adherence to established protocols, ensuring accuracy and transparency.

The Bursar maintains the university's accounts in the form and manner prescribed by the Executive Board. This includes keeping accurate records of all financial activities, ensuring compliance with financial regulations, and preparing necessary financial reports.

Beyond the core financial functions, the Bursar undertakes other duties related to the university's financial affairs and property management as directed by the Executive Board. This may involve participating in strategic financial planning, budgeting, and resource

In executing these duties, the Bursar reports directly to the Rector through the Vice Rector responsible for financial and administrative matters. This reporting structure ensures that the university's financial operations are aligned with its overall administrative and strategic goals.