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    Islamic University in Uganda, Kumi Road, P.O.BOX 2555 Mbale
Programme Overview

The significance of Kiswahili is growing not only within Uganda but also on a regional and international scale. The recognition of the significance and functions of Kiswahili in various domains such as communication, governance, education, advocacy, awareness creation, culture, and identity is underscored by the designation of the language as a lingua franca in the East African region, in addition to English as the second official language. Hence, it is in the best interest of the education system, particularly higher education, to provide tertiary-level professional training. The realization and execution of the vision enshrined in the constitutional articulation will be facilitated by experts. The Kiswahili unit perceives the creation of an MA Kiswahili program at IUIU as a specialized initiative aimed at advancing the scientific and academic study of Kiswahili while also improving the caliber of Kiswahili's utilization and implementation in the context of national, regional, and international progress.

Admission Requirements

Admission into this Programme shall follow the general guidelines of Islamic University in Uganda. The Programme is meant for graduates with a ' 'bachelor's degree or its equivalent from national or international Universities recognized by NCHE in the following fields:

  1. An applicant must have a Bachelor of Arts Kiswahili or a Bachelor of Arts Education 
    with Kiswahili as one of the teaching subjects offered from a recognized University; 
    holders of Bachelor degrees in Linguistics, Literature or other related disciplines with 
    required background in Kiswahili and holders of a Postgraduate Diploma in Kiswahili 
    may also apply.
  2. An applicant may be required to attend an interview by the department in order to 
    ascertain competence in the use of Kiswahili and other goals as shall be set for the 
  3. The applicant must have a second-class upper degree or at least a second-class lower 
    degree with two years working experience related to Kiswahili.
Duration: 2 Year(s)
Category: Postgraduate
Faculty: Arts and Social Sciences