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    Islamic University in Uganda, Kumi Road, P.O.BOX 2555 Mbale

I appeal to all staff to adhere to their respective responsibilities as outlined in the various regulations, particularly the IUIU Staff Regulations 2023, which detail the code of conduct for staff while working with others at IUIU.

As an institution, we uphold Islamic values, as reflected in the vision and mission of the university. It is crucial that staff adhere to these values and fulfill their respective obligations.

This office is always available to all staff who may have issues requiring attention to improve their working environment.

I thank all the staff who consistently perform their tasks, contributing to the effective running of IUIU, as evidenced by numerous positive outcomes. I also extend my gratitude to the Rectorship for their ongoing support. I believe that the challenges faced by the department are manageable and will be addressed gradually.

Finally, I thank the team in the Secretariat for their dedication and effective execution of their responsibilities.