IUIU Participates in the 6th Higher Education Conference on AI Integration
25th Mar, 2025 3:35pm
Lending services
The library offers lending services to the registered members for a limited number of days depending on the number of copies available on a specific field Reference works such as print Journals, research reports/dissertations, newspapers, are consulted only within the library
Interlibrary loan / Referral services
Users requesting for publications/information not available in the library can be referred to specific relevant institutions elsewhere. The library has the collaborative arrangement with such institutions. Through inter library loan arrangement; we can acquire rare publications available in other institutional libraries on behalf of our clientele.
CAS-Current Awareness Services:
The Library exposes its clients to a wide variety of current affairs through provision of current newspapers, reports, news about major events, among others
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
The library can respond to the unique needs of its clients by providing various sources of data and information to support the research endeavors of clients in a compacted easy to use format
Document Delivery Services:
Researchers can order for rare articles pertinent to their research needs through the University Librarian, who then links up with the suppliers of such information.
User Education/Training:
From time to time, the library orients its new clientele with skills and knowledge of how to use the Library’s resources both print and electronic. Training is offered both at individual and group levels. Groups of users can book or make an appointment for training of library use. The training mainly entails bibliographic instruction, information retrieval skills as well as shelf browsing following the DDC scheme.