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Shusha OIC Youth Capital 2024: Empowering Youth, Uniting Cultures

  • 05th June, 2024 11:10am
  • 2 minutes read

The Islamic University In Uganda delegation led by the Rector Prof Ismail Simbwa Gyagenda arrived in Baku, Azerbaijan on 2nd June 2024 for the "OIC Youth Capital" opening ceremony and youth conference.

They later headed to Susa, Karabakh's pearl, the designated OIC Youth Capital for 2024. The event attracted global youth leaders from Muslim states under OIC, distinguished leaders from OIC, and government officials from The Azerbaijan government led by the Minister of Youth and Sports, H.E Farid Gayibov.

The opening ceremony took place in Susa on Tuesday 4th June where the distinguished youth leaders were welcomed and given an insight into what encompasses the youth Forum under OIC.

The conference has attracted members from countries such as Cameron, Sudan, Oman, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Somalia, Nigeria, Angola, Botswana, and Chad, among others.

Islamic University was privileged to represent Uganda and the Rector travelled with a youth delegation including Mr Mugoya Ashiraf Harid, Nakayiza Rahma, Isa Lamine, Fatuma Muhammad, and Khadija Campaore.

The working language for the Opening Ceremony is English, simultaneous interpretation was provided in Arabic and French languages. Some of the themes to be covered include NexGenSocial Innovation Forum and Islamic Youth Talks for Peace and Harmony, the "International Leadership and Diplomacy Forum", and "Islamic Youth Talks for Peace and Harmony".

The ceremony was opened with a beautiful recitation of the Quran, followed by speeches, and entertainment with different cultural dances and songs. Later, we ended with a tour of the historical city of Susa, and how the city is fast developing.