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Uhud Foundation Donates Water Wells to Islamic University in Uganda

  • 01st June, 2024 3:31pm
  • 2 minutes read

The Islamic University in Uganda received a donation of water wells from the Uhud Foundation. The official handover ceremony took place at the university's main campus in Mbale.

The guests were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Jamil Serwanga, accompanied the the Deputy university coordinator.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Jamil provided a brief history of the university, highlighting its vision and mission of providing quality education and enhancing the Islamic faith.

He expressed gratitude to the Uhud Foundation for their continuous support and emphasized the positive impact of the new water wells significantly reducing expenditure on water.

He commended the foundation for its ongoing commitment to the university's development and expressed hope for further collaboration in the future, particularly in aiding students who struggle to pay their fees.

Mr. Nasib Yusuf, the Deputy University Coordinator, thanked the Uhud Foundation for their generous contributions, which have included food supplies and Qurans during the holy month of Ramadan. And pray that the cooperation between the Uhud Foundation and IUIU continues to flourish.

The visiting delegation from the Uhud Foundation, led by representatives from both the Uhud and Sakarya Bes Hilal foundations, expressed their gratitude for the warm reception. They pledged to continue their support by constructing additional boreholes, which would further enhance water accessibility and reduce the university's operational costs.

The guests later toured the site of the newly constructed wells, officially handing them over to the university.