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rector-prof-ismail-simbwa-gyagenda-3rd-from-left-attended-the-02nd- coordination-meeting-of-the-oic-islamic-universities-and-the-oic-relevant-institutions

Rector Prof. Ismail Simbwa Gyagenda (3rd from left) attended the 02nd  Coordination Meeting of the OIC Islamic Universities and the OIC relevant institutions.

  • 08th December, 2024 4:15pm

 The meeting was held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) on 27-28 November 2024. It was attended by all OIC Universities including the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU), the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Bangladesh, the Islamic University of Niger (IUN), and the King Faisal University of Chad, other OIC institutions including IslamicDevelopmentBank (IsDB),  Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF), COMSTECH,  SESRIC,  ICYF, IRCICA, among. 

The meeting aimed to provide a platform for participants to share experiences, best practices, and opportunities to enhance universities' roles in serving society. The Rector was accompanied by Mr. Mutyaba Abdallah, Senior Administrative Assistant.