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Mugigayi Fahadi is a distinguished lecturer at the Islamic University in Uganda, contributing significantly to the Department of Computer Science. Currently he is a PhD Candidate and Research Assistant at Gazi University in Ankara Turkey. With a fervent enthusiasm for technological advancements, Fahadi's research interests seamlessly blend the realms of Computer Science, innovation and education . His scholarly pursuits encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from the transformative potential of educational technology to the intricate intricacies of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and the Internet of Things. Having earned a reputation for his insightful contributions to these fields, Fahadi's work consistently reflects his dedication to fostering cutting-edge solutions and knowledge dissemination. Through both his teaching and research, he continues to inspire the next generation of tech enthusiasts while pushing the boundaries of digital possibilities.

  1. Kalinaki Kassim, Mugigayi Fahadi, Adam A. Alli et al.. (2024). Artificial Intelligence of Internet of Medical Things (AIoMT) in Smart Cities: A Review of Cybersecurity for Smart Healthcare. Taylor Francis
  2. Mugigayi Fahadi, MSH Khan (2022). Technology-Enhanced Teaching in Engineering Education: Teachers' Knowledge Construction Using TPACK Framework.. International Journal of Instruction, ERIC
  3. Adam A. Alli, Mugigayi Fahadi et al.. (2020). Blockchain and fog computing: Fog-blockchain concept, opportunities, and challenges. Cambridge Publishers
  4. Mugigayi Fahadi (2019). Integrating ICT in Engineering Education in Universities: Teacher's knowledge Perspective in Bangladesh. Islamic University of technology

Mobile Application Programming

Business Application Programming

Cryptography and Network Security

Object Oriented Programming

Database Programming

Database Systems

Structured Programming


Introduction to Programming and Problem solving

Introduction to Computing

Computer Applications

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